Koffler Scientific
Reserve at Jokers Hill


The Koffler Scientific Reserve at Jokers Hill hosts research in ecology, evolution, genetics, environmental science and cognate areas of study. 

Why conduct research at KSR?

While some research projects seek solutions to specific challenges, the major thrust is addressing fundamental questions that in this age of environmental uncertainty, urgently need answers:

What limits the geographic ranges of species?

What makes a recently introduced species go invasive?

How do patterns of mating and reproduction contribute to population persistence?

When can natural selection act fast enough to buffer the effects of environmental change?

Who can conduct research at KSR?

Scientists from the University of Toronto and other institutions in Canada and abroad are using KSR resources to expand our knowledge base in biodiversity, ecology and evolution.  Principal Investigators are normally affiliated with an accredited university in Canada or abroad, or with a governmental ministry. Applications for use from private corporations and community organizations are also considered. 

Please consult with the KSR Director.

Getting to do fieldwork at KSR has truly been a highlight of my PhD! Living at the field station immersed me in the ecological and evolutionary questions I was asking, and I was provided the resources and support to conduct both short- and long-term experiments on plants and their microbiomes that I couldn’t have completed in a greenhouse.

Julia Boyle, PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto, St. George Campus

KSR  has been a vital field hub of my research, teaching, and broader forest conservation efforts for many years. With its diverse vegetation and forests, KSR is a unique site where I teach a graduate ecosystem monitoring and health course. It’s a unique environment for students to gain hands-on experience in the field, develop field research skills, and learn about the challenges and opportunities of working in natural settings. Outstanding, supportive, and welcoming KSR staff and management are another reason I keep returning to KSR for teaching and research.

Dr. Danijela Puric-Mladenovic, The University of Toronto, Institute of Forestry and Conservation in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design

Field Research

KSR offers an immersive field study experience, with 350 hectares of diverse habitats suitable for a broad spectrum of biological studies.

Forest and wetland communities can accommodate observational and experimental studies that will not significantly alter community structure.
More manipulative studies can be conducted in oldfield communities.  
Four artificial ponds are suitable for aquatic research.

Hear what our researchers have to say

Dr. Phoebe Edwards

I studied the vole, a population ecology model species, whose natural cycles in abundance have been an area of interest for ecologists for the past century. 

Dr. Rosemary Martin

The Zimmerman-Weis scholarship in field biology has been an important source of funding during my PhD and my time working at KSR. 

Laboratory Research

Our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities are equipped with cutting-edge technology to facilitate innovative research and discovery.

The Laboratory for Biodiversity and Global Change Biology 

This fully renovated facility supports field study (opened in 2010, full renovation completed in spring 2018).  Common use and “clean” bench space are available, as well as a lab for DNA extraction and amplification.  The coffee/lunch room seats 10.  Wireless Internet connection is available throughout the building.

The Common Use Lab

Equipment includes compound and stereomicroscopes, standard and convection drying ovens, refrigerators, freezers and low-temperature incubators.  Museum cabinets for storage of reference and voucher specimens of plants and insects are available.  Special freezers are reserved for long-term seed storage.  A mud room is reserved for cleaning and preparation of field materials.

The Molecular Lab

This lab is set up for extraction and amplification of DNA.  Equipment includes tissue grinders, Quiagen Cube, PCR machines, gel rigs, a -80 freezer, centrifuges and other basic equipment.

The Greenhouse:

A 300 m2 greenhouse, suitable for seasonal use is available for germination and preparation of materials for planting.


KSR researchers have contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge and understanding for decades. For our most up-to-date publications, please see our Google Scholar page.

View by Year

Kishore, B. S. P. C., A. Kumar, P. Saikia, N. Lele, P. Srivastava, S. Pulla, H. Suresh, B. K. Bhattarcharya, M. L. Khan, and R. Sukumar. 2024. Mapping of understorey invasive plant species clusters of Lantana camara and Chromolaena odorata using airborne hyperspectral remote sensing. Advances in Space Research 73:1379-1396.

Edwards, P. D., R. Palme, and R. Boonstra. 2023. Is chronic stress a causal mechanism for small mammal population cycles? Reconciling the evidence. Oecologia 201:609-623.

Henry, G. A., and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2023. G-matrix stability in clinally diverging populations of an annual weed. Evolution 77:49-62.

Henry, G. A., and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2023. Strong selection is poorly aligned with genetic variation in Ipomoea hederacea: implications for divergence and constraint. Evolution 77:1712-1719.

Wu, D., and J. Liebeherr. 2023. A Low-Cost Low-Power LoRa Mesh Network for Large-Scale Environmental Sensing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

Bertram, S. M., R. Dakin, S. J. Harrison, D. T. Tremblay, M. L. Reifer, and G. R. Kolluru. 2022. Acoustic signalling performance: variation in vigour at multiple scales. Animal Behaviour 184:157-171.

Luo, R., and B. Gilbert. 2022. Timing of short‐term drought structures plant–herbivore dynamics. Oikos 2022.

Lyu, X., X. Li, D. Dang, H. Dou, K. Wang, and A. Lou. 2022. Unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) remote sensing in grassland ecosystem monitoring: A systematic review. Remote Sensing 14:1096.

McTavish, M., A. Rossi, R. Bourchier, and S. Smith. 2022. Quantifying seeds egested by field-collected earthworms: a dynamic and overlooked pool in forest soil seed banks. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 136:262-267.

O’Brien, A. M., T. F. Lins, Y. Yang, M. E. Frederickson, D. Sinton, and C. M. Rochman. 2022. Microplastics shift impacts of climate change on a plant-microbe mutualism: Temperature, CO2, and tire wear particles. Environmental research 203:111727.

So, C. P., M. M. Sibolibane, and A. E. Weis. 2022. An exploration into the conversion of dominance to additive genetic variance in contrasting environments. American Journal of Botany 109:1893-1905.

Song, C., M. Lu, J. R. Bennett, B. Gilbert, M.-J. Fortin, and A. Gonzalez. 2022. Reconceptualizing beta diversity: a hypervolume geometric approach. bioRxiv:2022.2011. 2027.518099.

Wu, Y., and R. I. Colautti. 2022. Evidence for continent-wide convergent evolution and stasis throughout 150 y of a biological invasion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119:e2107584119.

Xie, L., W. Xu, and X. Ding. 2022. Precursory motion and deformation mechanism of the 2018 Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy dam Collapse, Laos: Insights from satellite radar interferometry. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 109:102797.

Zhang, V. M., R. L. Martin, and R. L. Murray. 2022. Chronic Road Salt Exposure Across Life Stages and The Interactive Effects of Warming and Salinity in a Semiaquatic Insect. Environmental Entomology 51:313-321.

Benoit, A. D., and C. M. Caruso. 2021. A sit‐and‐wait predator, but not an active‐pursuit predator, alters pollinator‐mediated selection on floral traits. Ecology 102:e03506.

Boyle J. A., A. K. Simonsen, M. E. Frederickson, and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2021. Priority effects alter interaction outcomes in a legume-rhizobium mutualism. Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences 288:20202753.

Dao, P. D., A. Axiotis, and Y. He. 2021. Characterizing the effect of small-scale topographic variability on co-existing native and invasive species in a heterogeneous grassland using airborne hyperspectral remote sensing. bioRxiv 2021.04.11.439344

Dao, P. D., A. Axiotis, and Y. He. 2021. Mapping native and invasive grassland species and characterizing topography-driven species dynamics using high spatial resolution hyperspectral imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 104:102542

Dao, P. D., Y. He, and C. Proctor. 2021. Plant drought impact detection using ultra-high spatial resolution hyperspectral images and machine learning. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 102:102364.

Edwards, P. D., C. Frenette‐Ling, R. Palme, and R. Boonstra. 2021. A mechanism for population self‐regulation: Social density suppresses GnRH expression and reduces reproductivity in voles. Journal of Animal Ecology 90:784-795.

Edwards, P. D., S. G. Lavergne, L. K. McCaw, S. Wijenayake, R. Boonstra, P. O. McGowan, and M. M. Holmes. 2021. Maternal effects in mammals: broadening our understanding of offspring programming. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 62:100924.

Etzler E. A., and D. T. Gwynne. 2021. Sex differences in survival: viability selection in nymphal tree crickets from a conopid fly parasitoid. Ecological Entomology 46:451-458.

Forsyth L. Z., and B. Gilbert. 2021. Parallel responses of species diversity and functional diversity to changes in patch size are driven by distinct processes. Journal of Ecology 109:793-805.

Leite, L. M., S. K. French, C. A. Searcy, and S. J. McCauley. 2021. Forest edges and their effects on the arrival of dragonflies at north-temperate experimental ponds. International Journal of Odonatology 24:38-50.

Lu, B., and Y. He. 2021. Assessing the Impacts of Species Composition on the Accuracy of Mapping Chlorophyll Content in Heterogeneous Ecosystems. Remote Sensing 13:4671.

Lu B., C. Proctor, and Y. He. 2021. Investigating different versions of PROSPECT and PROSAIL for estimating spectral and biophysical properties of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic vegetation in mixed grasslands. GIScience & Remote Sensing :1-18.

Martin, R. L., and S. J. McCauley. 2021. Risks for overwintering eggs of the dragonfly Sympetrum vicinum in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Hydrobiologia 848:4933-4944.

McGoey, B. V., and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2021. Introduced populations of ragweed show as much evolutionary potential as native populations. Evolutionary Applications 14:1436-1449.

Proctor C., P. D. Dao, and Y. He. 2021. Close-range, heavy-duty hyperspectral imaging for tracking drought impacts using the PROCOSINE model. Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer 263:107528.

Punzalan D., J. T. Fang, W. Chen, and L. Rowe. 2021. Divergence in life history and behaviour between hybridizing Phymata ambush bugs (Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Schultz, B., and J. Koprivnikar. 2021. The contributions of a trematode parasite infectious stage to carbon cycling in a model freshwater system. Parasitology Research 120:1743-1754.

Xing D., and F. He. 2021. Analytical models for β‐diversity and the power‐law scaling of β‐deviation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12:405-414.

Arcila Hernández L. M., S. R. Davis, and A. A. Agrawal. 2020. Host specificity and variation in oviposition behaviour of milkweed stem weevils and implications for species divergence. Ecological Entomology 45:1121-1133.

Baines C. B., S. Diab, and S. J. McCauley. 2020. Parasitism Risk and Infection Alter Host Dispersal. The American Naturalist 196:119-131.

Batstone R. T., M. A. E. Peters, A. K. Simonsen, J. R. Stinchcombe, and M. E. Frederickson. 2020. Environmental variation impacts trait expression and selection in the legume–rhizobium symbiosis. American Journal of Botany 107:195-208.

Boyle J., and D. Start. 2020. Plasticity and habitat choice match colour to function in an ambush bug. Functional Ecology 34:822-829.

Brown K. S., and B. Gilbert. 2020. Population‐ and community‐level rarity have opposing effects on pollinator visitation and seed set. Journal of Ecology 108:1835-1844.

de Bruijn F. J. 2020. The Model Legume Medicago truncatula, 2 Volume Set – Google Books.

deJonge R. B., I. M. Jones, R. S. Bourchier, and S. M. Smith. 2020. Interpreting host-test results for classical biological control candidates: Can the study of native congeners improve the process? Biological Control 145:104237.

Dolezal A. J. 2020. Height differences in clonal stands of Tussilago farfara promote outcrossing by influencing pollinator behaviour. bioRxiv, .

Etzler E. A., and D. T. Gwynne. 2020. Sex differences in survival: viability selection in nymphal tree crickets from a conopid fly parasitoid. Ecological Entomology .

Etzler E. A., W. D. Brown, L. F. Bussière, and D. T. Gwynne. 2020. Oecanthus nigricornis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) as the first known host of Stylogaster neglecta (Diptera: Conopidae). Canadian Entomologist 152:613-621.

Fréchette E., C. Y. Y. Chang, and I. Ensminger. 2020. Variation in the phenology of photosynthesis among eastern white pine provenances in response to warming. Global Change Biology 26:5217-5234.

Huang M., X. Liu, M. W. Cadotte, and S. Zhou. 2020. Functional and phylogenetic diversity explain different components of diversity effects on biomass production. Oikos 129:1185-1195.

Malloch B., S. Tatsumi, S. Seibold, M. W. Cadotte, |. J. S. Macivor, and J. S. Macivor. 2020. Urbanization and plant invasion alter the structure of litter microarthropod communities. J Anim Ecol 89:2496-2507.

Masonick P., and C. Weirauch. 2020. APPENDIX: Taxonomic revision of the Nearctic erosa species group of Phymata Latreille, 1802 (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Phymatinae). Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 41:AP1-AP27.

McGoey B. V., K. A. Hodgins, and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2020. Parallel flowering time clines in native and introduced ragweed populations are likely due to adaptation. Ecology and Evolution 10:4595-4608.

McKee K. M., J. Koprivnikar, P. T. J. Johnson, and M. T. Arts. 2020. Parasite infectious stages provide essential fatty acids and lipid-rich resources to freshwater consumers. Oecologia 192:477-488.

Meadley-Dunphy S. A., K. M. Prior, and M. E. Frederickson. 2020. Invasive ants disperse seeds farther than native ants, affecting the spatial pattern of seedling recruitment and survival. Oecologia 192:119-132.

Murray R. L., S. Tah, J. Koprivnikar, L. Rowe, and S. J. McCauley. 2020. Exposure to potentially cannibalistic conspecifics induces an increased immune response. Ecological Entomology 45:355-363.

O’Brien A. M., T. F. Lins, Y. Yang, M. E. Frederickson, D. Sinton, and C. M. Rochman. 2020. A common contaminant shifts impacts of climate change on a plant-microbe mutualism: effects of temperature, CO2 and leachate from tire wear particles. bioRxiv, .

O’Brien A. M., Z. H. Yu, D. Luo, J. Laurich, E. Passeport, and M. E. Frederickson. 2020. Resilience to multiple stressors in an aquatic plant and its microbiome. American Journal of Botany 107:273-285.

Prior K. M., S. A. Meadley‐Dunphy, and M. E. Frederickson. 2020. Interactions between seed‐dispersing ant species affect plant community composition in field mesocosms. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:2485-2495.

So C. P. 2020. The Adaptive Potential of Lifetime Fitness Increases under a Future Climate Change Scenario in a Population of Brassica rapa.

Start D. 2020a. Ecological rigidity and the hardness of selection in the wild. Evolution 74:859-870.

Start D. 2020b. Phenotypic plasticity and community composition interactively shape trophic interactions. Oikos 129:1163-1173.

Start D. 2020c. Abundance and traits link predator ontogeny to prey communities. Ecology 101:e03044.

Start D., and S. McCauley. 2020. Gender underlies the formation of STEM research groups. Ecology and Evolution 10:3834-3843.

Start D., A. E. Weis, and B. Gilbert. 2020. Ecological and Evolutionary Stochasticity Shape Natural Selection. The American naturalist 195:705-716.

Start D., M. A. Barbour, and C. Bonner. 2020. Urbanization reshapes a food web. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:808-816.

Teterina A. A., J. H. Willis, and P. C. Phillips. 2020. Chromosome-Level Assembly of the Caenorhabditis remanei Genome Reveals Conserved Patterns of Nematode Genome Organization. Genetics 214:769-780.

Timerman D., and S. C.   Barrett. 2020. Influence of local density and sex ratio on pollination in an ambophilous flowering plant. American Journal of Botany 107:587-598.

Zukowski N., D. Kirk, K. Wadhawan, D. Shea, D. Start, and M. Krkošek. 2020. Predators can influence the host‐parasite dynamics of their prey via nonconsumptive effects. Ecology and Evolution 10:6714-6722.

Archer H., and P. C. Phillips. 2019. Experimental evolution of independent genetic pathways for resistance to Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenicity within the nematode Caenorhabditis remanei. bioRxiv :484998.

Baines C. B., I. M. C. Ferzoco, and S. J. McCauley. 2019. Phenotype‐by‐environment interactions influence dispersal. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1263-1274.

Bonner C., N. A. Sokolov, S. E. Westover, M. Ho, and A. E. Weis. 2019. Estimating the impact of divergent mating phenology between residents and migrants on the potential for gene flow. Ecology and Evolution 9:3770-3783.

Borges I. L., L. Z. Forsyth, D. Start, and B. Gilbert. 2019. Abiotic heterogeneity underlies trait-based competition and assembly. Journal of Ecology 107:747-756.

Dao P. D., Y. He, and B. Lu. 2019. Maximizing the quantitative utility of airborne hyperspectral imagery for studying plant physiology: An optimal sensor exposure setting procedure and empirical line method for atmospheric correction. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 77:140-150.

De Luca P. A., S. Buchmann, C. Galen, A. C. Mason, and M. Vallejo‐Marín. 2019. Does body size predict the buzz‐pollination frequencies used by bees? Ecology and evolution 9:4875-4887.

Edwards P. D., E. K. Dean, R. Palme, and R. Boonstra. 2019. Assessing space use in meadow voles: the relationship to reproduction and the stress axis. J Mammal 100:4-12.

Ferzoco I. M. C., C. B. Baines, and S. J. McCauley. 2019. Co-occurring Notonecta (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Notonectidae) species differ in their behavioral response to cues of Belostoma (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) predation risk. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 112:402-408.

Franks S. J., M. R. Sekor, S. Davey, and A. E. Weis. 2019. Artificial seed aging reveals the invisible fraction: Implications for evolution experiments using the resurrection approach. Evolutionary Ecology 33:811-824.

French S. K., and S. J. McCauley. 2019. The movement responses of three libellulid dragonfly species to open and closed landscape cover. Insect Conservation and Diversity 12:437-447.

Gordon S. C. C., S. A. Meadley‐Dunphy, K. M. Prior, and M. E. Frederickson. 2019. Asynchrony between ant seed dispersal activity and fruit dehiscence of myrmecochorous plants. American Journal of Botany 106:71-80.

Hernandez D., K. N. Kiesewetter, S. Palakurty, J. R. Stinchcombe, and M. E. Afkhami. 2019. Synergism and symbioses: unpacking complex mutualistic species interactions using transcriptomic approaches. The Model Legume Medicago truncatula :1045-1054.

Johnson S. A., M. M. Tompkins, H. Tompkins, and S. R. Colla. 2019. Artificial Domicile Use by Bumble Bees (Bombus; Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Ontario, Canada. J Insect Sci 19.

Kirk D., D. Shea, and D. Start. 2019. Host traits and competitive ability jointly structure disease dynamics and community assembly. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1379-1391.

Leebens-Mack J. H., M. S. Barker, E. J. Carpenter, M. K. Deyholos, M. A. Gitzendanner, S. W. Graham, I. Grosse, Z. Li, M. Melkonian, and S. Mirarab. 2019. One thousand plant transcriptomes and the phylogenomics of green plants.

Lu B., and Y. He. 2019. Evaluating empirical regression, machine learning, and radiative transfer modelling for estimating vegetation chlorophyll content using bi-seasonal hyperspectral images. Remote Sensing 11:1979.

Mangahas R. S., R. L. Murray, and S. J. McCauley. 2019. Chronic exposure to high concentrations of road salt decreases the immune response of dragonfly larvae. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:376.

Mangum S. M. 2019. Measuring Flowering Phenology and its Consequences: A Systematic Review.

McGoey B. V., K. A. Hodgins, and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2019. Parallel clines in native and introduced ragweed populations are likely due to adaptation. bioRxiv :773838.

Nunes K. A., C. R. Fitzpatrick, and P. M. Kotanen. 2019. Soil biota composition and the performance of a noxious weed across its invaded range. Ecography 42:1671-1681.

Samis K. E., J. R. Stinchcombe, and C. J. Murren. 2019. Population climatic history predicts phenotypic responses in novel environments for Arabidopsis thaliana in North America. American journal of botany 106:1068-1080.

Santangelo J. S., K. A. Thompson, and M. T. J. Johnson. 2019. Herbivores and plant defences affect selection on plant reproductive traits more strongly than pollinators. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32:4-18.

Schultz B., and J. Koprivnikar. 2019. Free-living parasite infectious stages promote zooplankton abundance under the risk of predation. Oecologia 191:411-420.

Sikkink K. L., R. M. Reynolds, C. M. Ituarte, W. A. Cresko, and P. C. Phillips. 2019. Environmental and Evolutionary Drivers of the Modular Gene Regulatory Network Underlying Phenotypic Plasticity for Stress Resistance in the Nematode Caenorhabditis remanei. G3 (Bethesda, Md.) 9:g3.200017.2018-982.

Start D., and S. De Lisle. 2019. Correction to: ‘Sexual dimorphism in a top predator (Notophthalmus viridescens) drives aquatic prey community assembly’. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286:20182899.

Start D. 2019a. The Evolutionary Ecology of Traits and Trait-mediated Interactions.

Start D. 2019b. Individual and Population Differences Shape Species Interactions and Natural Selection. The American Naturalist 194:183-193.

Start D. 2019c. A Black Swan Event Drives Eco-Evolutionary Heterogeneity. Authorea Preprints .

Start D., and B. Gilbert. 2019. Trait variation across biological scales shapes community structure and ecosystem function. Ecology 100:e02769.

Start D., A. E. Weis, and B. Gilbert. 2019a. Indirect Interactions Shape Selection in a Multispecies Food Web. The American Naturalist 193:321-330.

Start D. 2019b. Ecological and Evolutionary Stochasticity Shape Natural Selection. The American Naturalist 195:705-716.

Timerman D., and S. C. H. Barrett. 2019. The spatial ecology of sex ratios in a dioecious plant: Relations between ramet and genet sex ratios. Journal of Ecology 107:1804-1816.

Uzunović J., E. B. Josephs, J. R. Stinchcombe, and S. I. Wright. 2019. Transposable elements are important contributors to standing variation in gene expression in Capsella grandiflora. Molecular biology and evolution 36:1734-1745.

Verbeek J. D., and P. M. Kotanen. 2019. Soil-mediated impacts of an invasive thistle inhibit the recruitment of certain native plants. Oecologia 190:619-628.

Austen E. J., S. Lin, and J. R. K. Forrest. 2018. On the ecological significance of pollen color: a case study in American trout lily (Erythronium americanum). Ecology 99:926-937.

Baines C. B., and S. J. McCauley. 2018. Natal habitat conditions have carryover effects on dispersal capacity and behavior. Ecosphere 9:e02465.

Balogh C. M., and S. C. H. Barrett. 2018. The influence of floral morph ratios and low plant density on mating and fertility in a tristylous colonizing species. Botany 96:533-545.


Borges I. L., L. Z. Forsyth, D. Start, and B. Gilbert. 2018. Invader traits and resident functional diversity determine invader establishment in heterogeneous communities. ESA, .

Campbell L. G., S. J. Melles, E. Vaz, R. J. Parker, and K. S. Burgess. 2018. Pollen sleuthing for terrestrial plant surveys: Locating plant populations by exploiting pollen movement. Applications in Plant Sciences 6:e1020.

Chong V. K., H. F. Fung, and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2018. A note on measuring natural selection on principal component scores. Evolution Letters 2:272-280.

De Lisle S. P., S. Paiva, and L. Rowe. 2018. Habitat partitioning during character displacement between the sexes. Biology Letters 14:20180124.

Fitzpatrick C. 2018. Plant evolution, soil ecosystems, and feedback.

Fitzpatrick C. R., J. Copeland, P. W. Wang, D. S. Guttman, P. M. Kotanen, and M. T. J. Johnson. 2018a. Assembly and ecological function of the root microbiome across angiosperm plant species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:E1157-E1165.

Fitzpatrick C. R., P. Lu-Irving, J. Copeland, D. S. Guttman, P. W. Wang, D. A. Baltrus, K. M. Dlugosch, and M. T. J. Johnson. 2018. Chloroplast sequence variation and the efficacy of peptide nucleic acids for blocking host amplification in plant microbiome studies. Microbiome 6:144.

Fitzpatrick C. R., A. V. Mikhailitchenko, D. N. Anstett, and M. T. J. Johnson. 2018b. The influence of range-wide plant genetic variation on soil invertebrate communities. Ecography 41:1135-1146.

Frances D., and S. McCauley. 2018. Warming drives higher rates of prey consumption and increases rates of intraguild predation. Oecologia 187:585-596.

Franks S. J., E. Hamann, and A. E. Weis. 2018. Using the resurrection approach to understand contemporary evolution in changing environments. Evolutionary Applications 11:17-28.

French S. K., and S. J. McCauley. 2018. Canopy cover affects habitat selection by adult dragonflies. Hydrobiologia 818:129-143.

Gilbert B., D. Start, and T. N. Grainger. 2018. Scaling from trophic traits to community function. ESA, .

Grainger T. N., A. I. Rego, and B. Gilbert. 2018. Temperature-dependent species interactions shape priority effects and the persistence of unequal competitors. The American Naturalist 191:197-209.

Lu B., and Y. He. 2018. Optimal spatial resolution of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-acquired imagery for species classification in a heterogeneous grassland ecosystem. GIScience & Remote Sensing 55:205-220.

Lu B., Y. He, and H. H. T. Liu. 2018. Mapping vegetation biophysical and biochemical properties using unmanned aerial vehicles-acquired imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing 39:5265-5287.

McGoey B. V., and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2018. Introduced populations of ragweed show as much evolutionary potential as native populations.

Nunes K. A., and P. M. Kotanen. 2018a. Does local isolation allow an invasive thistle to escape enemy pressure? Oecologia 188:139-147.

Nunes K. A., and P. M. Kotanen. 2018b. Comparative impacts of aboveground and belowground enemies on an invasive thistle. Ecology and Evolution 8:1430-1440.

Peters M. A. E., and A. E. Weis. 2018. Selection for pollen competitive ability in mixed‐mating systems. Evolution 72:2513-2536.

Searcy C. A., B. Gilbert, M. Krkošek, L. Rowe, and S. J. McCauley. 2018. Positive correlation between dispersal and body size in Green Frogs (Rana clamitans) naturally colonizing an experimental landscape. Can. J. Zool. 96:1378-1384.

Searcy C. A., B. Gilbert, M. Krkošek, L. Rowe, and S. J. McCauley. 2018. Positive correlation between dispersal and body size in green frogs (Rana clamitans) naturally colonizing an experimental landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96:1378-1384.

Start D. 2018a. Keystone individuals alter ecological and evolutionary consumer-resource dynamics. The American Naturalist 191:277-286.

Start D. 2018b. Ontogeny and Consistent Individual Differences Mediate Trophic Interactions. The American Naturalist 192:301-310.

Start D. 2018c. Predator macroevolution drives trophic cascades and ecosystem functioning. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285:20180384.

Start D. 2018d. Animal behaviour and algal camouflage jointly structure predation and selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:773-778.

Start D., and B. Gilbert. 2018. Plant sex alters Allee effects in aggregating plant parasites. Oikos 127:792-802.

Start D., and S. De Lisle. 2018. Sexual dimorphism in a top predator (Notophthalmus viridescens) drives aquatic prey community assembly. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285:20181717.

Start D., and D. Kirk. 2018. Population isolation predicts the severity of historical human epidemics. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27:726-733.

Start D., S. McCauley, and B. Gilbert. 2018. Physiology underlies the assembly of ecological communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:6016-6021.

Start D., C. Bonner, A. E. Weis, and B. Gilbert. 2018. Consumer-resource interactions along urbanization gradients drive natural selection*. Evolution 72:1863-1873.

Timerman D., and S. C. H. Barrett. 2018. Divergent selection on the biomechanical properties of stamens under wind and insect pollination. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285:20182251.

Verbeek J. D. 2018. Shared Enemies and the Competitive Ability of Native Plants in Populations of an Invasive Plant (Cirsium arvense). University of Toronto, .

Weis A. E. 2018. Detecting the “invisible fraction” bias in resurrection experiments. Evolutionary Applications 11:88-95.

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